Do you or a loved one, a friend need help in dealing with addiction?
If you or someone you know has a desire to change please continue below

Anyone with a desire to change can get help from OSHI. This is how it works.
OSHI was set up to address gaps left by the existing system. A big part of that is complicated and lengthy application processes and assessment procedures that at their worst can create revolving doors of “no treatment”.
At OSHI; we’ve combined professionalism, risk management and our intricate knowledge of recovery to create a process that is streamlined to minimise the amount of time spent waiting and focus on safeguarding our staff and clients while getting the right care in place as quickly as possible.
An ideal application from end to end can be go from “Request for help” to “Meeting your OSHI CareCoach” in under 48 hours!! Everyone is an unique individual and as such OSHI will create a personalised experience for each client engaging with OSHI Care Services. Please see our 3 step model below for further information.
“Do you want help?”. If the answer to that yes, then please read on to find out how to take the next step!
Everyone is an unique individual and as such OSHI will create a personalised experience for each client engaging with OSHI Care Services.
Step 1
The Referral Form
Please 'click here' to view and complete our referral form. Begin your journey of support with OSHI today.
Step 2
The Assessment
An OSHI team member will aim to make contact within 24hours of referral receipt to arrange an assessment. This will help us match you with the most appropriate OSHI Care Coach based on your individual needs.
Step 3
Meet your Coach
Await rapid contact from your named OSHI Care Recovery Coach. From this point on; you have access to a named coach 7 days a week for as long as you need support.

We welcome referrals from anyone with a desire to change. However, we ask that before making a referral on behalf of somebody else that you have their consent. Our process works because people are ready to change (not because someone wants them to!).
Self refer. We accept direct individual referrals.
3rd Party referral with client consent.
Friends/family referral with client consent.
Ask for help from one of our team at trade shows, conferences and events.

A core element of getting into and maintaining good well-being is building strong and diverse recovery capital. Part of this is integration and immersion into a variety of holistic activities which suit you. We’ve dedicated a separate page with an interactive calendar of events, sessions, meetings and classes both in person and online to support you and ensure you never have a reason to be alone (especially with your personal matched OSHI Care Recovery Coach by your side !).