OSHI Corporate was born from demand for our services and has grown into a distinct offering seeking to educate, enhance and support organisations using our services.

OSHI Corporate was born from demand for our services and has grown into a distinct offering seeking to educate, enhance and support organisations using our services which include:
Training & Development workshops.
(raising awareness, challenging stigma, enhancing education)
Holistic sessions for staff well-being. (meditation, yoga, fitness).
Motivational Speakers. (Life stories, overcoming hard-ships)
Dedicated OSHI Care Recovery Coaching for named organisation
(named OSHI Care coach on hand to support staff/clients alike).
Consultancy Services & Bespoke Packages.

We’d be delighted to speak to any organisations about how OSHI Corporate can support them in a variety of ways. Examples being:
Primary Care Networks. (Public/Private)
Secondary Care (NHS/Private)
Independent client serving organisations
(Charities supporting mental health or Youth Centres).
Private Companies.
Healthcare Insurance Providers.
Educational Bodies
(City Colleges or Universities etc.)
Government Bodies/Public Bodies.

We started out on a journey of solely offering support to individuals struggling with addiction and have grown organically to meet the needs of individuals, organisations and institutions alike.
We’re nimble, dynamic and Open-Source by nature and as such flexible enough to create niche services that address gaps left by an aging treatment system. We’re passionate about helping people and organisations where they’re at and we create bespoke services designed with our clients needs front and centre.
Examples include regular holistic sessions for staff well-being, quarterly rousing motivational speakers or a dedicated OSHI Care Provision designed with an organisations specific requirements in mind.
Contact us
Talk to us about your challenges, needs or aspirations.
Motivational Speakers. (Life stories, overcoming hard-ships)
Collaborate with us to co-produce a bespoke solution to meet those needs.